IT’S YOUR CHOICE! 😷 It’s your choice if you will continue to wear a mask during your visits with us as well as it’s your choice if you want your service provider to wear one as well! We respect and understand not everyone will be comfortable removing their masks quite yet. That’s OK. We are happy to welcome you however you feel most comfortable. The health, safety and comfort of our guests and team members remain our top priority so we will continue our enhanced safety protocols in accordance with WorkSafe BC.  We will adjust these protocols accordingly with the guidance of our Beauty Council and WorkSafe BC, keeping you apprised of the changes as they happen. We want to assure you that as a certified Beauty Safe salon, we are committed to ensuring everyone’s safety and comfort. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your understanding and continued support!